The best fun as a writer is when you connect with readers. Some know the first book and want to chat about The Ballroom Café. Others want to ask questions about my latest novel, The Judge's Wife. And for some people, it is just the joy of linking up with the writer of a book they love or the face behind the author name on a book cover.
For me, connecting with readers are the sweetest moments. Such as this weekend. There I was signing The Judge's Wife at Easons, St Stephen's Green,Dublin when these lovely people from the Canary Islands came along.
Mums, Carmen and Milagros were in Dublin to visit their children Laura and Gabriel who are here for a few weeks studying English.
Their enthusiasm and joy when I was the author of the book the were about to buy was infectious and for few moments it appeared as if everybody in the shop was caught up in their enthusiasm. Store assistant manager Kelly took this lovely photograph.
I will be visiting Eason stores across Dublin on Tuesday, so if you see me, be sure to say hello.
Ann x
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